This is another most frequently asked question I got over the years.
None of them are the best. When compared to the others they are all the best.
The best is the one type that you are and that is the type you will always be.
Now having said that some certain types are better for certain situations. When you understand the instinctive nature of type preferences you will understand this better.
For example, my type is INFJ. That is not the best type necessarily when compared to the remaining 15 types. However, in some situations it may be better.
INFJ may be better in situations that require especially the dominant intuition and the secondary feeling behaviors to be used. That is so because when those functions are used the situation is performed better or most optimally.
What are those situations one may ask? There could be many of them but typically a work situation is easier to understand.
Counseling, minister, fine arts, psychology, social worker, education (typically higher ed) psychiatrist, librarian and others that normally call upon the most instinctively preferred functions of Intuition and Feeling more that Sensing and Thinking are some occupations where INFJ would be better, more naturally used than lets say ESTP.
Now, the ESTP could go into the above-mentioned occupations and in fact, they do; however, they will work harder, encounter more needless frustrations and setbacks in those occupations than the INFJ naturally would.
Also, the INFJ would have similar difficulty performing an ESTP like-occupation.
So in the sense of matching work behaviors to personality behaviors INFJ may be the better type for that occupation. This is also one of the reasons personality type is and can be used powerfully in career planning.
Each of the 16 types has situations, environments, and people that they may be "the best for" in a manner of speaking.
The challenge is to identify those situations and people ahead of time so that one can be prepared.
In terms of relationships and dating, using the above examples and the two types presented, INFJ and ESTP, they are NOT the best choice for long-term, naturally occurring congeniality based relationships. I mean here relationships that are easier to be in on every level.
Both are great types. They are not NATURALLY & INSTINCTIVELY compatible. This does not make them enemies, it does make them harder to be with, in the long run.
So, why do that?
If you can exercise a choice, why do that, why make it harder on yourself from the "get-go"? Why lay the groundwork for self-sabotaging a relationship?
That is the premise of using type to date with. You can date and form a relationship with any type you want and for any reason you want. All we are saying is that the more type-like you are with someone you are dating the more naturally better that relationship is likely to be.
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