Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Remove the "Unknown" In Dating

Fear of the "unknown" in dating seems to be one of the more reported difficulties, fears surrounding dating.

Understandable. You don't really know what thay like, don't like, value, don't value. You don't really know the environments they like. You don't know their strengths. Don't know their weaknesses. 

When we date online or date period there is much we do not know as we go into the dating situation.

What if that could be radically reversed?

What if there was a way that would give you a strong idea, going into the date, before the very first date, of what they prefer on several levels.

What if you knew ahead of time how they speak, how they view the world around them, how they reason, how they prefer to manage their every waking moment, what if?

Wouldn't that kind of pre-knowledge reduce a great amount of the "unknown" about the date?

If you had a pretty good idea of what they value, what they like, what they fear, at least in general, wouldn't that provide a more positive expectation of what a date with them might be like?

Then if the prospect was more negative than positive, why date them to begin with?

Well, this kind of pre-knowledge is possible. I've been telling people about it for over 35 years now. What is it?

It is a knowledge of your instinctive personality type. 

When you now your type and even a modest understanding of what your type is about, and you know the personality type of the person you are considering dating, you have enough ammunition, enough pre-knowledge to reduce the "unknown" of dating significantly.

You will never know everything about them, or yourself for that matter, but you will know enough to go into the date if you choose to proceed, with the assurance that there won't be much that will negatively surprise you. You will be dating mostly what you want to date.

I've created a web site, an online dating site based upon personality type which can help you reduce the "unknown" factors in dating. 

Registration is free. The site is new so be patient as it grows. 

Do yourself a favor when you date. Identify and use as much as possible of what is and can be known about you and then define the solid, never changing attributes you would like in a relationship, then use personality type to help you find those people possessing those attributes. Try

Monday, May 18, 2020

"Fear" May Be the Largest Problem When Dating


So much of dating seems to revolve around "Fear". I think this is why dating can be so difficult especially for older folks, 30s 40s and up. They've been hurt. 

I recently researched some of the top reasons that cause dating difficulty. Most of the reasons can be placed under the category of "Fear".

"Being rejected; losing my independence; being lied to; hooking up with a sociopath; never finding my soul mate; being alone if I get it wrong; avoiding divorce; too much baggage".... and the list goes on and on. All related to "Fear" in some way.

So, how can we go about eliminating or radically reducing the "Fear" component involved with dating?

For starters and perhaps more profoundly come to realize that God does NOT give a spirit of fear. If that is true, and it is, then where does fear come from? That is a question for another post but for now, know that a closer relationship with God can drive out all fear.

What does God give related to this conversation? He gives a spirit of love, power, and a sound mind.

Ahh, a sound mind. 

You have a solid foundation of personality type that can be used as one good tool for eliminating the fear associated with dating.

When you know your type this is like knowing yourself. You can make decisions based upon what you really like and don't like, what you want, and don't want in a person, in a relationship because you are deciding based upon INSTINCT, not a whim, not a cultural passing fancy, not superficial appearances. You are deciding based upon a KNOWN quantity, your individual nature, your personality type.

Personality type is an INSTINCTIVE preference for certain behaviors. Match the natural behaviors in your type with folks who have the same type or near the same type of behaviors and you are walking on safer ground. 

When you know what to expect fear can be reduced. Avoid those types who are more likely to behave in ways unlike your ways, who like more of the things, environments, settings, ideas that you do NOT like based upon your unchanging personality type. 

God has given you this ability this personality type. When you know your type you are using wisdom and understanding based upon INSTINCT. You are safer.

My mission has been to help connect people based upon personality type first and foremost. is an online dating site geared to help people connect based upon their never-changing personality type FIRST before anything else.


Monday, May 11, 2020

"Unable to Synergy With Each Other".

Recently I was searching on the question of what is the worst thing about dating. After reading many responses from various sources on that question it occurred to me that the vast majority of the responses could be categorized under the idea of a lack of synergy. In fact, one young lady responded that "Nowadays, the biggest challenge is that we are unable to synergy with each other." I was struck by that.

The dictionary defines synergy as "The interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements, contributions, etc."
This speaks of a coming together with a meshing of things many things that match who you are. 

Some areas of synergy or matching that were spoken of as "worst about dating" included lack of commitment, education level, hygiene, spiritual background, kindness, confidence, lack of transparency, and many more. Some spoke of dating as being "clinical", "depressing" because one meets so many people who are really messed up. (paraphrasing there)

Another way of putting this is that people largely date those who are more unlike themselves than themselves. 

Once again, I was not surprised to hear this as it reinforces my contention that people who are more alike get along better more than people who are less alike. 

This is why I created as a way of giving people a dating tool that is based on instinctive realities not fly by night whims. 

Nothing is guaranteed in this life, nothing is perfect; however, when you date based upon instinctive sameness, which is matching personality type more rather than less with those you date FROM THE BEGINNING, you have a much stronger chance of having better dates rather than worse ones, of finding people you have a better chance of relating too positively rather than negatively. 

Personalty "synergy", if you will, is FACT. It has proved itself over and over again.

So, doesn't it make sense to give yourself the best chance of relationship success sooner rather than later?

Doesn't it make sense to be in control of your dating life rather than letting dating control you?

When you are picking those to date who MATCH your type more rather than less you are in control. The date may still not work out but you will likely have fewer bad dates because you are using personality type which promotes synergy to work for you ahead of time. It is very possible you will meet fewer people who are "messed" up (paraphrasing again) and meet more people you "naturally" enjoy because they are more like you than less like you at the core. 

I invite you, actually, I urge you to be good to yourself in your dating and date based upon personality type. Please consider using as the tool to use. It is a new niche dating site and needs time to grow but it will grow. Registration is free. Please register, spread the word and put dating "synergy" on your side.