Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Building Work Teams for Small Business Using the Myers Bricks

 Had a chance to record a brief session with Tom Borg regarding  some ideas on how to use the power personality type revealed by Myers-Briggs for teambuilding within the small business environment.  Check out the audio link below:


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

They Are So Young… I hope they get it!

 I just spent three hours, maybe a little more than that, presenting the results of the Myers-Briggs personality indicator to her group of college students that are in an organization called Early College Alliance. These are really bright young people that have begun to take college classes while they are still in high school.

As I began to present to these young people it occurred to me that what I want them to see is what I did not see.

I want them to know the power of the most instinctive part of them; the power of their personality type. Personality type being an instinctive preference for certain behaviors.

Now I was approaching them from the standpoint of career planning. I am a career planner of 31 years experience, so that would be a natural thing for me to do. The one huge take away I wanted them to see, that I did not see at their age, is that if they can find a career that matches their personality type more rather than less their life will be happier.

If they do the opposite, not only work, most of their life will likely be miserable and it really is that simple and it really is that complicated. It really is that simple.

I could tell I was holding their attention, some of them were listening.

We talked about their dominant function being there "love" secret and there "communication" secret. They really pay attention when I mentioned the "love" part-that is almost always the case in these presentations.

Well, there is power in the knowledge your personality type if we can use what we identify. Some of these young people will be coming to my university some of them won't. I hope the ones that do look me up, and even though I will be retiring in a few years, and trying to do some of this on the side as a consultant, I would like to try to help as many of these young people as I can.