Tuesday, April 14, 2020

I Feel Like I Have Two Types!

Many people feel this way. They feel they are one type at home and another type at work or in some other setting.

The reality is that people are one type. That type is set at birth.

However, we do many things in life and it is safe to say that most of them will put us in environments that are type-unlike our natural type.

You have 8 behaviors or functions that you use:
Extroversion, Introversion, Sensing, Intuition, Thinking, Feeling, Judging and Perceiving.

However, you instinctively prefer only 4 of the 8.

The other 4 or non-preferred behaviors you have and use but they are not as accomplished in a natural and instinctive way.

Most of the time folks will feel more non-type like when they are at work. The work environment demands that more non-preferred behaviors are used in order to get the job done in the best way.

The repeated exercise of non-preferred behaviors is uncomfortable and sometimes absolutely intolerable. Which is one of the reasons folks will change jobs so frequently or burn-out and testify that they hate their work.

At least 70% of all the workers in the world do not like, even hate, what they do for a living. The reason is that they have entered into a work setting that requires them to use their non-preferred behaviors way too much. Why they chose the non-type like work is another subject and one that I was involved with for over 33yrs.

So folks will feel as if they are one personality type at work and a different personality type when not at work. Typically the non-work setting will be at home but may be in any behavioral environment that demands they use their instinctively preferred functions. In other words, the 4 of the 8 behaviors they are imprinted to prefer.

So, with a knowledge of type, it is possible to avoid environments that require too much use of non-preferred behaviors. At the very least with knowledge of type we can prepare for work or any activity that forces us to engage in non-preferred behaviors.

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