What?! What does personality type have to do with the crazy Covid19 virus??
Are any of the 16 types more prone to get the virus?
No, absolutely not.
However, each type will react, respond to the news of the virus in predictable ways.
Each type or each type "group" will predictably respond or be "griped" by the news.
Sensors with be instinctively prone to focus on all the details of the disease and what is being done about it.
Intuits will see the overall general picture, the big picture if you will and become bored if too much detail is discussed for too long.
The "Thinker" will see the logic of the situation and respond with the logical inconsistencies involved.
The "Feeler" will be concerned with how people feel about the sickness and how hurt may spread.
All these reactions represent a response from the "dominant" function. One would expect the Sensor, the Intuit, the Thinker and the Feeler to respond in those ways.
However, when one is "griped" by their "Inferior" function the responses are radically different. In fact, they will be completely opposite of the normal reaction.
The "Sensor" will "catastrophize" on one huge issue, taking a big picture approach emotionally.
The "Intuit" will become upset with one particular detail and blow it out of proportion.
The "Thinker" will become emotional overly concerned with how feelings are compromised.
The "Feeler" will become logical in a direct and insensitive manner.
More about the "grip" experience later. Suffice it to say it is not a comfortable experience. Those who know the person exhibiting the "grip" behavior will know that they are really out of character and not themselves.
I'll discuss why folks go into the "grip" experience in another post.
For now, be understanding when those you love go through the "grip" just as you might want to be understood when it hits you and it will; actually if your human it already has on several occasions and you know it.
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